Wialon training: Gurtam starts the series of educational webinars

3 October, 2017
Kirill Yakynin

When working with Wialon, every day is a lesson, and it has to be learned for one good reason. Being able to control 300+ monitoring parameters Gurtam partners only use 20% of Wialon functionality, while we believe you are capable of more.

We focus on the companies using Wialon with a view to advanced monitoring and are going to enable their businesses the quickest start possible. Apart from training sessions24/7 technical support, and video tutorials on our YouTube channelGurtam now holds dedicated partner Webinars to guide the user to higher-level tasks from the start.

What's in the webinars?

Those who joined the first two Webinars have already learned how to connect new devices to the system and configure them properly, how to save time on troubleshooting or make your the request promptly addressed.

Among other things, we already covered the ways to get the most out of the data obtained from devices: how to create and configure sensors, understand the value of each parameter and differentiate between various sensor types. 


With more and more people joining the webinars we got deeper into advanced sensor configuration and data messages handling. 


...while not forgetting about one of the core modules in Wialon system – Geofences and their implementation in online tracking and reporting: 

Why joining?

The webinars are prepared and conducted by Anna Demina, our Account Manager in Boston Office. Having ample knowledge of Wialon implementation and the international market, she designed the webinars so that the most important issues are discussed in simplest terms supported by tried-and-true FAQs and case stories. Unlucky to miss the first Webinars? Watch the videos on YouTube or Gurtam forum and leave there your questions and comments.  

Good news for those eager to learn! The webinar series by Gurtam will be resumed in October for you to conceive the flexibility of sensor configuration and make the first steps in advanced geofence control. 

The next webinars will be held on October 11 and 25, 2017.

Webinars in October

1st Webinar – 11th of October, 12:00 to 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time (CET Time: 6:00 p.m.) 
Tracks Management 

  1. Track management basics 
  2. Track accuracy and trip detection settings
  3. Markers: event information on the track

  Link to join the Webinar 

2nd Webinar – 25th of October, 12:00 to 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time (CET Time: 6:00 p.m.)
Reports – Part I: Create, Execute, Export and Email Report on a Schedule 

  1. How to create a simple report 
  2. How to execute report 
  3. How to export report 
  4. How to email report on a schedule  

Link to join the Webinar

No registration required – just download ZOOM and follow the link!

Call from US: +1 646 558 8656; Webinar ID: 168 572 150 
International numbers available here.

Last but not least: follow the link and vote for November webinar topics till October 10th!

Kirill Yakynin
Kirill Yakynin
Kirill is the Brand Manager at Gurtam. He maintains brand integrity across all the company’s marketing initiatives and communications and ensures that Gurtam products resonate with current and potential customers.


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